Here's Why
To showcase her fabulous sewing talent and raise money for a nice sewing machine or even (fingers crossed) help her with college.

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Here's What, When and Where
August 23rd at the Textile Center in St. Paul, we'll start the festivities at 5:00pm and Nicole will model four outfits she's made over the last year. There will be finger food and entertainment to be had by all.

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And Here is How
This will be the blog where we will talk about how this whole business is getting put together. I'm sure you will love hearing of our constant antics and stress at pulling together a fashion show. In fact, you can stay up to the minute with our RSS Feed.

Friday, July 25, 2008

That last pair of pants is all done

Nicole finished the last pair of pants for the fashion show last night and cut out the dress that she will be working on next. With less than a month to go and the need to buy shoes and sort out all the other details it's getting right down to the wire. i will be so glad when the day is here because then we can't really do anything about it - we'll have to be done. Then we can just enjoy the day.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Outfit #4 has fabric!

We bought the fabric for Nicole's final outfit last night. With only a month left we've started meeting twice a week to get all her projects done. We also need to go shopping for shoes to match the outfits and figure out which hairstyle is the best with all her outfits. I'm sure this time will fly by and I am just hoping to keep up. By Thursday she will finish the last pair of pants to pair with her shirt and then we'll cut out the last item in the show. She picked some super cool fabric last night and of course it has sparkles because that kid loves her bling. I would have too at her age. I can't wait to see how it turns out!